‘Recognise the dangers that officers face’

THE next Government needs to recognise the dangers faced by police officers on a daily basis, the Chairman of Northumbria Police Federation has said.

Jim Gray called on whoever is in power post 8 June to back measures to protect officers – such as the right equipment and appropriate sentencing. He also called for more than a 1% pay rise for officers in 2017.

“What we need to see is a Government who are going to recognise the dangers, challenges and workloads faced by police officers on a daily basis, and who are going to help deliver practical measures to support and protect them,” said Jim.

“It would be nice to see the Government support and drive forward measures such as the Federation’s ‘Protect the Protectors’ campaign and better sentencing for assaulting officers so that could potentially create a safer environment for us to work within.”

Despite high profile efforts to change the law for people convicted of assaulting officers, there have been no changes to legislation on police assaults.

Jim added: “We are looking for practical measures which will help officers, either to help prevent them being assaulted in the first place or if they are, more appropriate sentences for people who assault police officers. Basically, a recognition that being assaulted isn’t just part of the job would be a good start.”

Jim added that he would also be looking for a new Government to support officers in their pay packets too.

He added: “For years now we’ve had a 1% pay increase which is in real terms a pay reduction year on year. The question is what’s the point of having a police pay review body when all police officers get is 1% which is the Government’s recommendation?

“I’d like to see the appropriate financial recognition for what police officers do. What officers deserve, at the very least, is an appropriate wage and pay rises to match.”